Current Members

Ru-Yi Zhu PhD (PI)

Ru-Yi was born and raised in Nanjing before relocating to Chongqing at 12, since then, he has fallen in love with the spicy food there but definitely not the weather. After spending 7 years in Chongqing, Ru-Yi moved to Beijing and obtained his BS with honors in chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Zhang-Jie Shi at Peking University in July 2013. Then he moved to the Scripps Research Institute and received his PhD in chemistry with Prof. Jin-Quan Yu in November 2018, focusing on tackling challenging aliphatic carbon-hydrogen (C-H) bond activation with novel ligands and directing groups. After that, he decided to stay in sunny California and joined Prof. Eric T. Kool’s lab at Stanford University as a postdoc to develop chemical tools to study DNA, RNA, and associated proteins for therapeutic applications. Recently, Ru-Yi was awarded the prestigious NUS Presidential Young Professorship (PYP) in April 2021. He joined the Department of Chemistry as a NUS PYP Assistant Professor in September 2021. His research will be focusing on designing novel DNA/RNA mimetics for biomedicine and catalysis.

We are a highly interdisciplinary team, people with catalysis, medicinal chemistry, nucleic acid chemistry, drug delivery, molecular biology, biophysics, and nanomaterial fabrication backgrounds come together to solve the most urgent problems in health and catalysis with multidisciplinary approaches. We are actively collaborating with biologists and oncologists in Singapore and beyond to discover the next generation medicines.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Jie Sheng (Since Mar 2022)

Ph.D., University of Science and Technology of China, 2018 (PhD Advisor: Prof. Xi-Sheng Wang)

B.S., Shandong University, 2012

Yang Zheng (Since Mar 2024)

Ph.D., Soochow University, (joint program with UCSB), 2019 (PhD Advisor: Prof. Xinfang Xu and Prof. Liming Zhang)

B.S., Soochow University, 2013

Graduate Student

Zhaoyang Li (G3) (Since Jan 2022)


M.S., University of Science and Technology of China, 2021 (MS Advisor: Prof. Xiaoniu Yang)

B.S., Southwest University, 2018

Junsong Guo (G3) (Since Jan 2022)


M.S., Sun Yat-sen University, 2020 (MS Advisor: Huihao Zhou)

B.S., China Pharmaceutical University, 2017

Qi Shi (G2) (Since Aug 2022)


B.S., Nanyang Technological University, 2019

Zhengyu Lin (G2) (Since Jan 2023)


M.Res. and B.S., Imperial College London, 2021 and 2020

Kha Tuan-Khoa (G1) (Since Aug 2023)


B.S., Nanyang Technological University, 2021

Kelly Koh Kar Yun (G1) (Since Aug 2023)

NUS Graduate Tutorship

B.S., National University of Singapore, 2023

Philip Mark Tan Leetiong (G1) (Since Aug 2023)


B.S., Nanyang Technological University, 2023

Yiran Zhao (G1) (Since Aug 2023)


B.S., Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2023

Kuan Kok How (G1) (Since Jan 2024)


B.S., National University of Singapore, 2022

Song Chen (G1) (Since Jan 2024)


M.S., Fudan University, 2023 (MS Advisor: Yonghui Wang)

B.S., Anhui Medical University, 2020

Research Associate and Assistant

Master and Undergraduate Student

Visiting Student